Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Pulp dental system spring batch

Spring Batch is a framework for batch processing that provides reusable functions that are essential in processing large volumes of records, including:

Logging / Tracing
Transaction Management
Employment Processing Statistics
Boost employment
It also provides more advanced technical services and capabilities that enable high-volume, high-performance batch jobs through optimization and partitioning techniques. Spring Batch is a framework for batch processing - performing a series of jobs. In Spring Batch, a job consists of several steps and each step consists of a READ-PROCESS-WRITE task or a tasklet.

For the "READ-PROCESS-WRITE" process, this means "reading" the resource data (csv, xml or database), "process" and "write" on other resources (csv, xml and database ). For example, a step can read data from a CSV file, process it, and write it to the database. Spring Batch provides many classes to read / write CSV, XML and database.

For the tasklet task, this means performing a single task, such as deleting resources after or before a step is started or completed.

And the steps can be chained together to function as a job.

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